$3000 Breeders Cup Bankroll

Bankroll Team – Good Luck!
Final Balance: $816.40
527000086 527001969 527002322 527002672 527003786 527004231 527005056 527005934 527006845 527006890 527007107 527007240 527007711 527008242 527010676 527013325 527013844 527013962 527014795 527014840 527017063 527018715 527020967 527021395 527021519 527023897 527023962 527027868 527029772 527033208 527033532 527034585 527035810 527036000 527036469 527039622 527039673 527039789 527040097 527040431 527040798 527040861 527041953 527043588 527045363 527045377 527045542 527046911 527047029 527047478 527048194 527048929 527053533 527053556 527053592 527053857 527053884 527054125 527054128 527054815 527055497 527056610 527056821 527056825 527057075 527057624 527057784 527058022 527058867 527058868 527059670 527060921 527061535 527061707 527061857 527062917 527064422 527065196 527080026 527080297 527080310 527080657 527082532 527083080 527085566 527085673 527085890 527086238 527086247 527086329 527087956 527090984 527090987 527091145 527091277 527093290 527093307 527093488 527094800 527095113
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”3″ gal_title=”BC19 Saturday Bankroll Plays”]
- The Top Twenty-Five (25) Capital Bets accounts from October 1st – 30th who wagered the most during the specific time period.
- Twenty-Five (25) Capital Bets accounts will be randomly chosen from entries at the Clubhouse Race Book October 14th – 27th. Patrons must have a Capital Bets account and can fill out an entry form once per day. Upon admission each day, each patron will receive an entry form to be filled out and put into the drawing bin. There cannot be duplicate entries chosen from another category.
- Fifty (50) Capital Bets account holders who entered from online entries at capitalotb.com. There will be an entry form available from October 14th – 27th. Patrons must have a Capital Bets account and only enter once during the time period of the promotion. Drawing will occur on October 28th to determine the Fifty (50) Capital Bets account holders to make the bankroll team.
Patrons that qualify for the promotion (Breeders’ Cup) will share equally in the winnings of the final bankroll of the two days. The handicapper’s will not share in any of the winnings of the bankroll. The entire winnings will be shared by the total number of patrons that sign up and qualify for the $3,000 bankroll promotion.
All patrons chosen must be willing to sign an IRS form if necessary in order to receive any winnings. If there are winnings, the winning patrons will receive an amount equal to the total winnings divided by the number of qualified patrons. These winnings will be deposited into the patron’s Capital Bets account no later than Wednesday, November 6th, 2019. Patrons chosen must wager through their Capital Bets account each day of the Breeders’ Cup races in order to eligible to share in any possible prize winnings. There cannot be duplicate accounts chosen from any of the three categories. The one-hundred (100) Capital Bets account holders are separate individuals. There will be one-hundred different Capital Bets account holders on the bankroll team.