Nadeau: Gulfstream Play of the Day Wed 1.22.25
“PLAY of the DAY” by Brian Nadeau | |
Date | 1/22/25 |
Featured track | Gulfstream Park |
Race number | 7 |
Race overview | A deep and competitive OC/SAL for 4upfm at 5Fs on Tapeta. |
Pace | It looks honest, as more than a few want to be part of things early. |
Trends | Speed plays sprinting on Tapeta, as races are routinely won on or just off the front end, oftentimes regardless of how fast they go. |
Best Play | #6 MISS VYVYANNE (2-1): WO invader goes OTC for Drexler (25%), who has been white-hot at the meet, and her last is easily excusable based on the slow start/rushing early, and this post is perfect for her speedy/pressing style. |
Bet Types | Aggressive WP bet and single in the late Pk5/Pk4 as well. |
Play of the Day Winners | GP Meet: 298-75-58-46 ($1.75/$5.19 ROI through 1/12)
GP POD: 29-6-6-3 ($1.19/$4.09 ROI through 1/12)