Nadeau: Churchill Play of the Day Sunday 6.4.23

“PLAY of the DAY” by Brian Nadeau                        Date:  6/4/2023      Featured Track/Race:   Churchill Downs – Race 3      Race overview:  A deep and competitive 16k claimer sprinting on the main for older.       Pace:  It looks hot and contested—and a few of the favorites may get caught up in it—so taking someone with a stalking style appears a prudent approach.      Trends:  The main track played a bit more on the fair side last week, as winners were coming from everywhere, though tactical speed (at the very least) is always preferred.        Best Play:  #5 ALL EYES WEST (9-2): Class…


Nadeau: Churchill Play of the Day Sat 6.3.23

“PLAY of the DAY” by Brian Nadeau                        Date:  6/3/2023      Featured Track/Race:   Churchill Downs – Race 10      Race overview:  A solid renewal of the G3 Blame going 1 1/8 miles on the main for older handicap division runners.       Pace:  There’s not much here, so expect a bunched group early and a sprint late.      Trends:  The main track played a bit more on the fair side last week, as winners were coming from everywhere, though tactical speed (at the very least) is always preferred.        Best Play:  #1 MASQUEPARADE (5-1): Router needed his comeback going a one-turn mile,…


Nadeau: Churchill Play of the Day Fri 6.2.23

“PLAY of the DAY” by Brian Nadeau                        Date:  6/2/2023      Featured Track/Race:   Churchill Downs – Race 4      Race overview:  A vert weak 20k N2L for 3&up going a mile on the main, with very few who have winning credentials.        Pace:  There’s not much here, which really flatters #7 UNCLE BERLEY (3-1), who drew perfectly and is fast enough to lead or sit just off.      Trends:  The main track played a bit more on the fair side last week, as winners were coming from everywhere, though tactical speed (at the very least) is always preferred.        Best Play: …


Nadeau: Chuchill Play of the Day Thurs 6.1.23

“PLAY of the DAY” by Brian Nadeau                        Date:  6/01/2023      Featured Track/Race:   Churchill Downs – Race 7      Race overview:  A stakes-caliber AOC sprinting on the main, with several who start with winning credentials.       Pace:  There’s no confirmed front runners enters, so expect a bunched group, which gives those with tactical speed a big edge.      Trends:  The main track played a bit more on the fair side last week, as winners were coming from everywhere, though tactical speed (at the very least) is always preferred.        Best Play:  #2 BAGBOSS (3-1): Lightly-raced runner had a bit of a…


Nadeau: Churchill Play of the Day Mon 5.29.23

“PLAY of the DAY” by Brian Nadeau                        Date:  5/29/2023      Featured Track/Race:   Churchill Downs – Race 9      Race overview:  A deep and competitive MSW routing on the turf.       Pace:  It’s a full field, so things should be honest up front, though there doesn’t appear to be any burners in here either.      Trends:  The turf has been used quite sparingly, so it’s tough to see any concrete trends.       Best Play:  #9 SRI LANKA (4-1) (turf only): Munnings filly returns fresh for a Walsh barn that is white-hot, and all she needs is clear sailing after a nightmare…


Nadeau: Churchill Play of the Day Sun 5.28.23

“PLAY of the DAY” by Brian Nadeau                        Date:  5/28/2023      Featured Track/Race:   Churchill Downs – Race 2      Race overview:  A deep and competitive 50k N2L routing on the main track.       Pace:  It looks very honest on paper, as there are a few with route speed, along with a stretchout sprinter (#6 Dog Red).      Trends:  With the exception of Saturday’s drying out track (which typically always play to off-the-pace types), the main track was playing to speed throughout the week.       Best Play:  #5 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (5-2): Class dropper has been facing better, has a stalking gear that…