Play of the Day – January 10th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date January 10, 2021 Track Gulfstream Park Race 8 Overview A wide-open bottom level claimer with several winning candidates. Pace It looks hot and contested, which means things could fall apart in the lane, especially if #5 Take Charge Dude (7-2) is in fact off form on the stiff class drop. Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet YOUNG RAYMOND Number 4 Morning Line (10-1) Best Bet Overview #4 YOUNG RAYMOND (10-1): Stalker didn’t have a fair go of it last time after a…


Play of the Day – January 9th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date January 09, 2021 Track Gulfstream Park Race 4 Overview A solid AOC with plenty of depth, though with very few who have upside. Pace It’s non-existent, which means #1 BLUEGRASS PARKWAY (4-1) looks poised to be loose and lonely up front. Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet BLUEGRASS PARKWAY Number 1 Morning Line (4-1) Best Bet Overview #1 BLUEGRASS PARKWAY (4-1) (turf only): Capable sort with Brisset and Thomas now gets a huge trainer upgrade to Maker, who excels in these marathon…


Play of the Day – January 8th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date January 08, 2021 Track Gulfstream Park Race 9 Overview A decent 20k N2L but also one that seems there for the taking, as the two expected favorites (#1 and #4) don’t really inspire. Pace There’s plenty here, and the aforementioned two favorites look destined to duel early and often, which could set it up for a stalker. Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet HUSHED HIJINKS Number 7 Morning Line (9-2) Best Bet Overview #7 HUSHED HIJINKS (9-2): Outside presser drew perfect for…


Play of the Day – January 7th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date January 07, 2021 Track Gulfstream Park Race 9 Overview A very deep and competitive AOC for veteran turf sprinters, many of which enter in very strong form and off stakes starts. Pace There’s a ton of it here, as several want to be on the lead or pressing it, which should set things up for an off-the-pace type. Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet TIGER BLOOD Number 7 Morning Line (4-1) Best Bet Overview #7 TIGER BLOOD (4-1) (turf or dirt): Stalker…


Play of the Day – January 6th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date January 06, 2021 Track Gulfstream Park Race 4 Overview A very deep and competitive group of seasoned 50k turf claimers. Pace There’s a ton of it here, as several want to be on the lead or pressing it, which should set things up for an off-the-pace type. Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet Morocco Number 6 Morning Line (3-1) Best Bet Overview #6 Morocco (3-1) (turf only): Stretch runner just won at the level, and while this group is a tad tougher,…


Play of the Day – January 3rd 2021

Play of the Day Race Date January 03, 2021 Track Gulfstream Park Race 9 Overview A cookie cutter low-level claimer there for the taking, with a recent Maker claim that seems primed to improve. Pace There’s very little here, with only #2 Plenum (12-1) a confirmed front runner, so things should be slow early and fast late. Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet MAX’S CAUSEWAY Number 11 Morning Line (7-2) Best Bet Overview #11 MAX’S CAUSEWAY (7-2) (turf only): Maker claim (18%) was a good 2nd off the…


Play of the Day – January 2nd 2021

Play of the Day Race Date January 02, 2021 Track Gulfstream Park Race 5 Overview A modest renewal of the 75k Glitter Woman for now 3yo fillies. Pace It looks very fast and contested, as several here want to be involved early and often, which should only help the chances of #5 HIT THE WOAH (3-1). Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet HIT THE WOAH Number 5 Morning Line (3-1) Best Bet Overview #5 HIT THE WOAH (3-1): Strong MSW win the slop but she’s progressing, meets no…


Play of the Day – January 1st 2021

Play of the Day Race Date January 01, 2021 Track Gulfstream Park Race 4 Overview A very strong group of grizzled 16k veteran claimers. Pace It looks borderline supersonic, as several in here have shown the penchant for flying on the lead, which means it could fall apart late, even at a very snappy 5Fs. Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet SWEET YARE N DIVA Number 8 Morning Line (5-1) Best Bet Overview #8 SWEET YARE N DIVA (5-1): Stalker has been facing much better and more than…


Play of the Day – December 31st 2020

Play of the Day Race Date December 31, 2020 Track Gulfstream Park Race 4 Overview A solid enough 12.5k claimer, though one that is littered with stretch runners who will be at the mercy of the pace. Pace It looks very average, with several who lack any early speed, which will really play into the hands of #7 TRAPPEZOID (7-2). Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet TRAPPEZOID Number 7 Morning Line (7-2) Best Bet Overview #7 TRAPPEZOID (7-2): Perfectly drawn class dropper has Lopez, who will be pressing…


Play of the Day – December 30th 2020

Play of the Day Race Date December 30, 2020 Track Gulfstream Park Race 7 Overview A very weak 35k claimer for 2yos, with a potential standout in #4 PHAROAH’S GOLD (3-1). Pace It looks average, which should suit #4 PHAROAH’S GOLD (3-1), who should be up close throughout. Trends Both the turf and dirt has been playing fair, though having tactical speed on the main track here is never a bad thing. Best Bet PHAROAH’S GOLD Number 4 Morning Line (3-1) Best Bet Overview #4 PHAROAH’S GOLD (3-1) (turf only): Drops out of a fast 2nd (for this group) in an Indiana Grand N2L and anything close to…