Play of the Day – June 5th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date June 05, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 5 Overview A compact renewal of the G1 Acorn with a heavy favorite in #6 Search Results (1-1), though a potentially vulnerable one too on the cutback to one-turn off a gut-wrenching 2nd in the Kentucky Oaks. Pace It looks average to slow, which means #4 DAYOUTOFTHEOFFICE (4-1) can either clear early if they want to be aggressive, or stalk the potential cheap speed of #3 Miss Brazil (5-1) to her inside. Trends Speed/press played well Thursday, though it was also a formful day filled with logical winners, and with an off-track Friday the slate…


Play of the Day – June 4th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date June 04, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 6 Overview A very deep and competitive NYB N1X that appears wide open and with a potentially vulnerable favorite (#3) who has very little margin for error. Pace It looks there for the taking and #6 COLORMEPAZZI (8-1) is the lone confirmed front-runner in the field, which says he can control things from the outset. Trends Both surfaces continue to play fair, with the winners coming from everyone and with all running styles, though it’s also worth nothing that last week was a wash—literally—as the last three days were OFF the turf and run over…


Play of the Day – June 3rd 2021

Play of the Day Race Date June 03, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 8 Overview A very deep and competitive renewal of the Wonder Again, though most of these gals have already tipped their hand and don’t offer the upside of #9 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS (9-2). Pace It looks honest enough, as there are a few confirmed front runners, though there are several closers too, which should put stalker #9 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS (9-2) in a good spot. Trends Both surfaces continue to play fair, with the winners coming from everyone and with all running styles, though it’s also worth nothing that last week was a wash—literally—as the last three…


Play of the Day – May 31st 2021

Play of the Day Race Date May 31, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 6 Overview A strong renewal of the Mount Vernon, but one that also looks poised to be dominated on the front end. Pace There’s little doubt that unless someone shows a lot more speed than they’ve been accustomed to in the past, #3 ROBIN SPARKLES (4-1) is loose as can be on the stretchout. Trends Both surfaces continue to play fair, with the winners coming from everyone and with all running styles, which is all a handicapper can ask for, though with a sloppy track Saturday it’s worth checking out how the track played. Best…


Play of the Day – May 30th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date May 30, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 2 Overview A tough to trust group of 10k claimers with a potentially vulnerable favorite (#7). Pace There seems to be plenty of it, as several want to motor early, which could set this up for a closer late. Trends Both surfaces continue to play fair, with the winners coming from everyone and with all running styles, which is all a handicapper can ask for, though with a sloppy track Saturday it’s worth checking out how the track played. Best Bet THE GREAT DANSKY Number 8 Morning Line (6-1) Best Bet Overview #8 THE GREAT…


Play of the Day – May 29th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date May 29, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 5 Overview A wide open N1X turf affair with no standouts and several winning possibilities, especially at square prices. Pace There seems to be plenty of it, which says this could tilt to a stalker/closer from off the pace. Trends Both surfaces continue to play fair, with the winners coming from everyone and with all running styles, which is all a handicapper can ask for. Best Bet BAY JEWEL Number 4 Morning Line (10-1) Best Bet Overview #4 BAY JEWEL (10-1) (turf only): Streaking runner has won two straight and now rises in class, and…


Play of the Day – May 28th 2021

Play of the Day Race Date May 28, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 2 Overview A modest 30k N2L filled with several who are treading water of late. Pace There doesn’t appear to be much in here, so tactical speed looks preferred. Trends Both surfaces continue to play fair, with the winners coming from everyone and with all running styles, which is all a handicapper can ask for. Best Bet AUBURN HILLS Number 1 Morning Line (5-1) Best Bet Overview #1 AUBURN HILLS (5-1) (turf only): Tactical sort got run off his feet after a slop break at GP yet ran well, gets a big jock upgrade to…


Play of the Day – May 23rd 2021

Play of the Day Race Date May 23, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 9 Overview A deep and competitive 25k NYB MCL with several viable win candidates, though none who have the upside of #5 JOEY LOOSE LIPS (9-2). Pace There seems to be several who want to be involved early, so it could get heated, though #5 JOEY LOOSE LIPS (9-2) might also be too fast for these early. Trends Both surfaces continue to play fair, with the winners coming from everyone and with all running styles, which is all a handicapper can ask for. Best Bet JOEY LOOSE LIPS Number 5 Morning Line (9-2) Best Bet…


Play of the Day – May 22nd 2021

Play of the Day Race Date May 22, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 9 Overview A very strong renewal of the Seek Again, which could easily be a graded stakes race. Pace There’s not much here, which should really play into the hands of #5 GET SMOKIN (5-1), who should have a big tactical edge on or just off the early pace. Trends Both surfaces continue to play fair, with the winners coming from everyone and with all running styles, which is all a handicapper can ask for. Best Bet GET SMOKIN Number 5 Morning Line (5-1) Best Bet Overview #5 GET SMOKIN (5-1) (turf only): Pace player…


Play of the Day – May 21st 2021

Play of the Day Race Date May 21, 2021 Track Belmont Park Race 4 Overview A modest turf sprint 50k starter, with one who looks primed for a huge run for a hot barn. Pace For a turf sprint it looks on the tepid side, which mean #10 MONTAUK DADDY (3-1) should be on or just off the proceedings, from the perfect outside attack post as well. Trends Both surfaces continue to play fair, with the winners coming from everyone and with all running styles, which is all a handicapper can ask for. Best Bet MONTAUK DADDY Number 10 Morning Line (3-1) Best Bet Overview #10 MONTAUK DADDY…