Empire 6 Syndicate
Mark your calendar!

Must have a Capital Bets account
Fill out the entry form below
Consent to a $25 entry fee
Once funds are approved you will receive a confirmation email
Once Team is approved you will receive a selection form via email
Race 9
Race 10
Race 11
Race 12
Race 13
Race 14
- This will be a group Pick 6 play (format being .20 pk6 – 5x2x5x5x3x5 = $750) *We will look at the races and designate which races have the 3 horse and 2 horse legs & patrons will sign up authorizing Capital OTB to
- Sign up forms online will be available during the week leading up to the Pick 6. Sign-ups will be based on the first twenty (20) patrons from the authorization to withdraw twenty-five dollars ($25) from their Capital Bets account. If there are insufficient funds then their sign-up form will be cancelled.
- If there are not twenty (20) sign ups by the deadline, then Capital OTB will refund the entry money to the previous signed up players.
- Selections will be made with the highest voted horses (tie goes to lowest number). Marketing will put together the consensus ticket.
- After Syndicate team is confirmed, the selection form will be emailed directly to them for the voting process of the Pick 6.
- The Pick 6 plays will be made after scratches are posted. Once Pick 6 is wagered is placed, the confirmed copy of the ticket will be emailed and posted.
- Players participating Must have a Capital Bets account in order to process entry money and funding if there are winnings from the “Pick 6 Syndicate”.
- If there are winnings, accounts will be funded on the day after the Pick 6 play.
- This is an online promotion where all announcements of the “Pick 6 Syndicate” will be posted on capitalotb.com. Along with details and the rules of participation.
Oh no! Looks like we have reached our 20 submissions for this contest! Please come back next week!